Wednesday, August 6, 2014

So far

It's been a pretty long time since I posted hmm, I've been busy at camps! Uni's starting tomorrow and July has been a busy month with all the orientation camps and stuff like that! I tend to do really quick drawings but hmm I'm working hard to do more concrete drawings that require longer composition time and better finishes. I'm hoping to develop a clearer style, cause I obviously seriously lack it now and get my work into prints! I don't know if anyone reads my art blog, but if you do, do support when it happens!

So, things that I have done so far.

1. Peiqi's birthday deco

2. Tack's birthday deco

3. Working with Fictive Fingers
Helped in the assisting of Fictive Fingers with the first ever SIM team bonding day 2014 where I worked at the tshirt designing booths which consisted of Sharpie markers designing as well as block printing (carving on a Japanese rubber block and printing them on the shirt with fabric inks). We had to decorate our own white shirts with the fixed design provided by Fictive Fingers (but carved ourselves) as our working wear.

Here's how my shirt looks! I'm really glad how it turned out, that the printing was rather compacted so it looks like a bought shirt instead of a hand-printed one! Will definitely continue to wear it out in the future :)

I'm still working on a few drawings, so I will only get them posted when they are done! Hopefully I will get them done soon because I have just moved into hall (today) and I left them back at home ><  I'm hoping to draw once a day again cause there's really much more to be done with my inadequate drawing abilities :( Yay I'm gonna strive hard man. 

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